Black Lion Services

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is a rapid response force composed of community members, aiming to provide a timely response to events of terror, combat, or any situation that threatens community members and their families. The Community Emergency Response Team will be operated by community members and will offer an immediate solution until local response forces (police and first aid services) arrive.
The current challenge for Jewish communities in the United States is broad and concrete, with rising anti-Semitic sentiments reaching unprecedented levels, evident in the tragic events in Israel on October 7th. There are also attempts to replicate such incidents, with entire communities of extreme Islamists locally supporting retaliatory actions against Jewish communities due to events in the Middle East.
Community Emergency Response Team has proven itself in Israel as the sole force preventing mass killings and massacres during the events of October 7th. In Israel, the Community Emergency Response Team is comprised of residents who possess firearms at home and serve as the initial response force for the community against any relevant threat. Communities with a functioning training class survived the October 7th massacre, defending not only their own communities but also neighboring ones.
Participating in CERT basic course will empower individuals to take responsibility for their fate and be capable of protecting their families and communities from such threats. Potential terrorists attempting to harm a community strengthened by the training class will encounter a force capable of arriving promptly and neutralizing the threat.
Throughout the CERT basic course, participants will undergo a series of exercises based on the updated combat doctrine of training classes in Israel. Upon completion of the course, a practical tactical exercise will be conducted, allowing members of the CERT basic course to practice their operations.

CERT (BASiC) - Course Content

The CERT basic course is designed to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively contribute to the Community Emergency Response Team. It encompasses a comprehensive curriculum focusing on various aspects of rapid response, community defense, and emergency preparedness. The content includes:
Introduction to Community Defense:
Understanding the concept of community defense.
Analyzing potential threats and risks.
Legal and Ethical Considerations:
Overview of legal responsibilities and rights.
Ethical considerations in community defense.

Firearms Training (Weapons)

Participants in the CERT basic course will learn the fundamentals of operational shooting according to the Israeli combat shooting doctrine including:

  • Basic foundational training in the use of firearms following Israeli combat doctrines.
  • Execution of effective hand pistol shooting, magazine replacement, operational shooting, shooting in various scenarios, shooting from covers, and the use of long guns in conjunction with handguns.
  • Fundamental training in the use of tactical assault weapons following Israeli combat doctrines, including shooting, magazine replacement, operational shooting, shooting in various scenarios, shooting from covers, and the combined use of long guns and handguns.
  • Upon completion of this stage, participants will be capable of executing effective operational shooting with long guns and handguns against potential adversaries. 

Participants will undergo tactical training, practicing combat in structures, dealing with various scenarios of community attacks, facing adversaries, familiarizing themselves with destruction zones, combat positions in community spaces, defending families and children, and developing a community survival plan for instances of attempted violence and lynching including:

  • Examination of real-life case studies and the lessons derived from them.
  • First aid techniques, with an emphasis on combat and trauma situations.
  • Exploration of various combat doctrines in Jewish communities worldwide.
  • Presentations on self-defense and utilizing community spaces for defense.
  • Practical Tactical Exercises -Live simulations of potential threats. Application of learned skills in realistic scenarios.
  • Final Tactical Exercise -Culmination of the course with a practical, real-time tactical exercise. Evaluation and feedback on individual and team performance.

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