Black Lion Services

About Us

BlackLion Services provides tailor-made projects, business intelligence, training, and security solutions for the private sector. Our team comprises a carefully selected group of veterans with diverse expertise from various Israeli special tactics and combat units, including elite army combat units, intelligence field units, air marshals, embassy security officers, and cyber and technology experts.
The meticulous selection of our team members is based on word-of-mouth recommendations and a demonstrated track record of tactical and operational field experience. We bring forth a valuable and irreplaceable background in the management of significant Israeli security assets and initiatives. This includes overseeing on-site security at El Al stations, managing and protecting foreign embassies, ensuring the safety of country leaders, executing special intelligence and small warfare operations, as well as providing training for elite intelligence and Israeli special forces army units.

Our Vision

We bring an unparalleled dimension to the realm of security services through our distinctive in-house qualities and expertise. The essence of our value lies in the integration of elite manpower, characterized by attributes such as wisdom, boldness, combat experience, and integrity, with adept technology experts who tackle challenges with a proactive mindset.
Our profound respect for Israeli and Judaic traditions shapes our mission. We are dedicated to providing Jews worldwide with the tools and capabilities necessary to safeguard not only themselves but also their families and communities. 


BlackLion offers a variety of combat and security courses to equip communities and individuals with the necessary skills for their protection and self-defense.
The courses and knowledge that we offer are grounded in decades of practical professional experience in combat, actual combat situations, and training communities worldwide. Participants in the courses will gain practical weapon usage skills in realistic scenarios, with an emphasis on combat ability and survival against potential enemy attacks in a real-life setting.

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) – is a rapid response force composed of community members, aiming to provide a timely response to events of terror, combat, or any situation that threatens community members and their families. The Community Emergency Response Team will be operated by community members and will offer an immediate solution until local response forces (police and first aid services) arrive.
The current challenge for Jewish communities in the United States is broad and concrete, with rising anti-Semitic sentiments reaching unprecedented levels, evident in the tragic events in Israel on October 7th. There are also attempts to replicate such incidents, with entire communities of extreme Islamists locally supporting retaliatory actions against Jewish communities due to events in the Middle East.
CERT has proven itself in Israel as the sole force preventing mass killings and massacres during the events of October 7th. In Israel, the Community Emergency Response Team is comprised of residents who possess firearms at home and serve as the initial response force for the community against any relevant threat. Communities with a functioning Community Emergency Response Team survived the October 7th massacre, defending not only their own communities but also neighboring ones. 

Civil Defense

Civil Defense – the course participants in the Civil Defense course will acquire fundamental skills for effective self-defense, both personally and for their families. The course covers basic weapon usage and home defense tactics.

Security Awareness

Security Awareness – participants in the Security Awareness course will acquire basic theoretical knowledge in personal defense and an understanding of security challenges and threats relevant to the community and family – the course is based on frontal lectures.